Check-In #1: Fundraising Progress, Updates, and Goals

Hello everyone! We're just under a month since the zine and fundraising campaign launched, so we felt like popping in to bring you some news and give an update on where we're at re: fundraising.

First and foremost, our donation total is hovering around $1,300! Meaning we've raised another $300 in the last couple of weeks since our groundbreaking initial weekend. Thanks a ton to everyone who has spread the word!

Second, we realized last week while taking a cursory glance at the exit survey (which you should fill out if you donated!) responses that there was a bit of an oversight with one of the questions. See, we have a segment of the survey that asks if you would like to be considered for the Community Fund - but we asked people who had already donated to take the survey. So we weren't reaching our intended audience, and people filled it out as though they were saying "Yes, we want to contribute to the Community Fund" instead of "Yes, I want to be part of it".  Our bad! In response to that, we opened up an entirely separate form for the Community Fund, where if you weren't able to donate, you can let us know that you're still interested in a copy.

Apply for the Community Fund here! Share it around!

Third, while taking that aforementioned glance at the survey responses, we started matching up our number of donators to the number of zines requested.  This number isn't even close to final yet, especially since we revamped the Community Fund form and expect more zine requests from that. However, so far based on what we're seeing, we are weighing the possibility of being able to cover the shipping costs of some zines. Our new goal for doing so looks like this:

Cover the shipping costs of all Community Fund members > Cover the shipping costs of all domestic (USA) zine shipping > Cover ALL shipping worldwide

The goal of covering all shipping is a bit lofty at this point, and we also still want to have some of our proceeds go to the Crisis Text Line at the end of everything. It's possible that if we even get to the point of being able to cover int'l shipping, we might ask folks if they want to voluntarily pay for their own shipping to ensure more money gets to charity. But again, this is not something we are confident will be possible currently - we will update you if that changes. We are currently optimistic about at least the Community Fund members getting shipping covered!

Fourth and finally, there was talks early on in the zine production stage about possibly having to limit the number of pieces in the physical version, due to cost. This was asked about recently in the Discord, and we're happy to say that when we put in our manufacturer quotes, we factored in including ALL of the pages that are in the digital edition of the zine. So all of the pieces from our wonderful contributors will make it into print! 

Thanks so much for reading, and as always, feel free to message us on Discord or send us an email at for any questions or concerns.  Looking forward to bringing you more information soon!

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